In a world heavily reliant on numerical skills, individuals who struggle with mathematics face unique challenges that can significantly impact their daily lives. Dyscalculia, often called mathematical Dyslexia, is estimated to affect 6% of people, yet research...
In the pursuit of academic excellence, parents often seek ways to provide their children with the best possible support. While classroom education forms the foundation, the benefits of ongoing tuition should not be overlooked. Ongoing tuition, with its personalised...
National Numeracy Day is a special occasion that allows us to recognise and celebrate the importance of numeracy skills in our daily lives. It serves as a reminder that numeracy goes beyond calculations and formulas; it empowers individuals to make informed decisions,...
Dyslexia assessments typically involve a combination of standardized tests, observations, interviews, and evaluations of the individual’s academic and cognitive abilities. The assessment process can vary depending on the age of the individual being evaluated,...
Summer learning slump is a phenomenon that refers to the loss of academic skills and knowledge that students experience during the summer break. Research suggests that students can lose up to two months of math skills and one month of reading skills during this time....
Every parent wants their child to be successful and confident. But how do you instill confidence in a young person? Tutoring can be an excellent way to help boost your child’s self-esteem and help them grow academically. Here’s why tuition can help build confidence in...