In-Person Tuition

Bringing Qualified teachers to your Home

In-Person Tuition

Bringing Qualified teachers to your Home

In-Person Tuition

Bringing Qualified teachers to your Home

Building Confidence and Success: The Powerful Benefits of Home Tuition

It is widely acknowledged that there are many benefits of home tuition; however, at the Tutor Train, we believe the benefits extend far beyond academic success.

Learning in the comfort of your own home helps create a familiar and relaxed environment for your child to learn. This can significantly reduce anxiety, improve focus and increase the overall level of enjoyment.
In this environment, the Tutor is able to develop a strong rapport where trust and respect are built. This will likely lead to your child feeling safe and secure and, in turn, more forthcoming in asking questions, seeking reassurance and challenging themselves. Removing external influences often present in school also helps remove peer pressure or a fear of ‘looking silly’.

From a practical point of view, a tutor coming to your home means there is no need to spend time and energy commuting to a tutoring centre. Not only does this save you time and money, but the convenience means it becomes an activity that easily fits into our busy schedule. Another benefit of home tuition is that you, as parents, can closely monitor the interaction between the Tutor and the student, adding an extra layer of assurance, particularly for younger students.

Bringing Tutors to your Home

We understand that finding the right tutor can make all the difference in achieving academic success. We also understand how daunting and difficult this task can be. That is why we are dedicated to really understanding your child and their learning goals by offering a free consultation meeting. We also only work with the highest calibre of teachers to ensure we can deliver the best in-person tuition experience for your child. 

Our personal tutors near you take the time to understand your learning style, strengths, and areas for improvement. This personalised approach allows them to create a customised learning plan that meets your child’s specific needs, helping them grasp concepts more effectively and grow in confidence.

Convenience is another key aspect of our in-person tuition services. We understand that location matters, which is why we have a network of experienced personal tutors available near you. No matter where you are, we strive to connect you with the perfect Tutor for your child. 


Key Stage 1

Key Stage 2






Place Value


SATs Practice







Grammar and Punctuation

SATs Practice






Place Value


SATs Practice



Reading Comprehension




Grammar and Punctuation

SATs Practice